Wikipedia: Jack Kilby
Kilby was also the co-inventor of the handheld calculator and the thermal printer, for which he had the patents. He also had patents for seven other inventions.
U.S. Patent 3,138,743 for “Miniaturized Electronic Circuits”, the first integrated circuit, was filed on February 6, 1959. It was notable for having different components (transistors, diodes, resistors, capacitors, etc.) on one single substrate.: 22 Along with Robert Noyce (who independently made a similar circuit a few months later), Kilby is generally credited as co-inventor of the integrated circuit.
BNN: Bell CEO slams CRTC, announces slowdown of fibre network
The chief executive of BCE Inc. blasted the national telecom regular as he announced the company would further scale back the build of its fibre internet network.
The parent company of Bell Canada no longer plans to meet its previous target of reaching 8.3 million homes through its fibre footprint by the end of 2025, CEO Mirko Bibic said on Thursday, adding the company would make further capital spending cuts this year.
“To put it bluntly, we’re not in the business of building fibre for Telus’s benefit, and that’s what the CRTC policy that’s in place right now forces us to do,” Bibic told analysts on the company’s fourth-quarter earnings call.
Looking for an outside excuse to cut back expenditures, it sounds like to me.
MacRumors: iOS 18.3.1 Update Coming Soon for iPhones
Apple is internally testing iOS 18.3.1 for iPhones, according to our website’s analytics logs, which have been a consistently reliable indicator of upcoming iOS versions. The software update should be released within the next few weeks.
NYT: A Judge Tried to Get Out of Jury Duty. What He Said Cost Him His Job.
When Richard Snyder was running to be a town justice in tiny Petersburgh, N.Y., in 2013, he told a local news site that he would be fair and honest on the bench. Because he was not a lawyer, he also said he was “looking forward to learning about the law.”
He just learned something about it the hard way.
Mr. Snyder, a Republican, was unopposed in that 2013 race and won it with 329 votes. But in December he resigned after a disciplinary panel found that he had tried to get out of grand jury duty by introducing himself as a town justice and saying he could not be impartial based on his opinion of those who appeared in his court.
“I know they are guilty,” Mr. Snyder said in arguing to be excused, according to a court transcript. Otherwise, he explained, “they would not be in front of me.” (The judge dismissed him and notified the disciplinary panel.)
No politics for me today.
Last Updated: 06.Feb.2025 23:59 EST