🔗 Political Articles: Saturday 18.Jan.2025

Guardian: An American tragedy: how Biden paved the way for Trump’s White House return

When Biden departs Washington on Monday at the culmination of a career spanning more than half a century as senator, vice-president and president, the old maxim that all political lives end in failure will hover over him. He will be 82, the oldest president in US history and the first great-grandfather to hold the office. Democrats will long agonise over why his age and fitness for office did not become a political emergency until it was too late.

It is easy to forget now the malaise that Biden inherited. In that inaugural address in January 2021, he spoke of four crises: the coronavirus pandemic, climate, economy and racial justice. Standing on the spot where just two weeks earlier a pro-Trump mob had sought to overturn his election win, Biden also promised to restore the soul of America.

Guardian: ‘A small act of patriotism’: Canada’s anti-Maga hats go viral

Even the Manitoba premier, Wab Kinew – a progressive often at odds with Ford – quipped that he loved it: “Great hat, I hope they make that in an orange.”

(Mooney, keen to capitalize on the moment, said he had spent hours trying to ensure Kinew receives a hat that matches the colours of his leftwing New Democratic party.)

Guardian: Suicides, new tactics and propaganda iPads: details from captured North Koreans expose new foe in Ukraine

Last week’s capture of two North Korean servicemen was an extraordinary moment in Russia’s bloody war against Ukraine. The Kremlin has taken elaborate steps to conceal the presence of 12,000 elite troops sent in autumn by Pyongyang to Russia. At camps in the Far East they were given Russian equipment: uniforms, rifles and fake military documents.

Last Updated: 18.Jan.2025 16.09 EST

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