🔗 Articles: Saturday 14.Sep.2024

CleanTechnica: New Poll: Overwhelming Support for US Clean Energy Incentives (Including Trump Voters)

87% of Americans support federal incentives to deploy solar and energy storage, including 78% of 2020 Trump voters.

9to5Mac: End of an era: iPhone 16 won’t include stickers in the box

In messaging distributed to Apple Store teams this week and seen by 9to5Mac, Apple confirmed that the iPhone 16 will not come with Apple stickers in the box. Instead, the company says that stickers will only be available to iPhone 16 buyers upon request.

If you buy an iPhone 16 from an Apple Store, you can request an Apple sticker at the time of purchase, but otherwise, you’re out of luck. Third-party retailers and carrier partners do not have Apple stickers to distribute, and you also can’t get them if you order an iPhone 16 for home delivery.

NYT: Elizabeth Warren: Don’t Be Fooled. Donald Trump Has a Plan.

He doubled down on getting rid of the A.C.A., saying last year that it “sucks,” and that Republicans should “never give up” on repealing it.

But at the debate, Mr. Trump displayed a new strategy. He seems to realize that his health-care plans are deeply unpopular, so he simply doesn’t talk about them. Thus, after nine years of railing against the A.C.A. and trying mightily to repeal it, he has moved to “concepts of a plan,” without a single detail that anyone can pin him down on.

NYT: Is ‘Viewpoint Diversity’ Important for Colleges?

But amid questions about whether phrases like “From the river to the sea” were permitted was another line of questioning: How many conservatives do you have on your faculty?

When each president replied that their universities did not gather such data, the congressman who posed the question, Representative Joe Wilson, Republican of South Carolina, was scathing.

Universities, he said, have been overrun with “intolerance and bigotry.” And the root cause, he said, was “blatant discrimination” against conservatives — something that they might want to “look into” next time they ask for government funding.


Calls for viewpoint diversity have been written into education laws proposed or passed in at least seven states, including Florida and Texas. In March, Indiana passed a law that curtailed diversity, equity and inclusion programs, while mandating that professors be regularly evaluated on whether their courses promote “intellectual diversity.” Failure to do so can be a firing offense, even for tenured faculty.

I wonder what they think the purpose of tenure is?

iFixit: iPhones Are Allergic to Helium

This is the kind of tale that you don’t hear every day. Erik Wooldridge is a Systems Specialist at Morris Hospital near Chicago. During the installation of a new GE Healthcare MRI machine, he started getting calls that cell phones weren’t working. Then, some Apple Watches started glitching.

“My immediate thought was that the MRI must have emitted some sort of EMP, in which case we could be in a lot of trouble.” But an electromagnetic pulse would have taken out medical equipment in the facility as well, and they were working fine! He started investigating, and learned that every single impacted device was made by Apple–the technician’s Android phones were fine. And it was a wide-sweeping issue, impacting 40 different devices. What the heck?

Electrek: There are now more electric cars than gas cars on Norway’s roads

Norway releases detailed monthly information about auto sales in the country, which has been helpful for those of us tracking the EV market in the most EV-obsessed country in the world. It set another world record with 94% EV new car market share in August.

Last Updated: 14.Sep.2024 18:39 EDT

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