🔗 Articles: Tuesday 10.Sep.2024

CNBC: Apple must pay 13 billion euros in back taxes, EU’s top court rules

  • Europe’s top court on Tuesday ruled against Apple in the tech giant’s 10-year court battle over its tax affairs in Ireland.
  • The case stems back to 2016 when the European Commission ordered Ireland to recover up to 13 billion euros ($14.4 billion) in back taxes from Apple.
  • The Commission said at the time Apple had received “illegal” tax benefits from Ireland over the course of two decades

CNBC: Bill Gates on what keeps him up at night: war, another pandemic

The political divisions many believe hampered the world’s response to Covid-19 are still standing in the way of preparing appropriately for the next outbreak, Gates adds: “Getting our thoughts together about what [we did] well, what we didn’t do well, is still not happening …. Perhaps, in the next five years, that’ll get better. But, so far, it’s quite surprising.”

Preventing widespread disease is the focus of an episode in the upcoming Netflix docuseries “What’s Next? The Future with Bill Gates,” set to premiere September 18.

Electrek: Vessev unveils VS–9 electric hydrofoil boat inside and out (including video)

Just over three months after coming out of stealth mode, young electric hydrofoil boat builder Vessev has shared a closer look at its flagship vessel — the VS–9. Today, the boatbuilder shared fresh images of a completed VS–9 vessel and a detailed video below.

Vessev, formerly known as Seachange, is a young, eco-friendly boat builder founded a few years ago in Auckland, New Zealand. That is where the company currently operates and is conducting sea trials of its flagship vessel, an electric hydrofoil boat called the VS–9.

With ten passengers aboard, the VS-9 can reach a cruising speed of 25 knots (~29 mph) and has a range of 50 nautical miles (57 miles/92.6km). It can recharge its batteries at any marina plug, but that area has a DC fast charger; the VS–9 can recoup 0.8 nautical miles of range per minute.

Electrek: EV sales have not fallen, cooled, slowed or slumped. Stop lying in headlines.

Here’s what’s actually happening: Over the course of the last year or so, sales of battery electric vehicles, while continuing to grow, have posted lower year-over-year percentage growth rates than they had in previous years.

This alone is not particularly remarkable – it is inevitable that any growing product or category will show slower percentage growth rates as sales rise, particularly one that has been growing at such a fast rate for so long.

Last Updated: 10.Sep.2024 16:48 EDT

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