🔗 Articles: Monday 26.Aug.2024

RNZ News: Court dismisses Uber’s appeal arguing drivers are employees, not contractors

Court of Appeal justices Goddard, Ellis and Wylie said a critical point is that while a driver is logged into the driver app, they have no opportunity to establish any business goodwill of their own.

“Or to influence the quantity of work they receive, the quality of the work they receive, or their revenue from that work except to the extent that Uber agrees to give them some preference in relation to access to ride requests, information about rides, or supplementary payments,” they said.

Adding that the drivers have no opportunity to bargain with Uber for any of these.

“We do not consider that drivers can, in reality, be said to be carrying on transport service businesses on their own account at times when they are logged into the driver app, providing services to riders referred to them by Uber for the remuneration determined by Uber, and subject to the high level of control and direction that Uber exercises over the provision of services by drivers while logged in,” they said.

However, in June this year the Workplace Relations and Safety Minister, Brooke van Velden, began working on law changes that could prevent workers misclassified as contractors from challenging their employment status in the courts.

FIRST Union and E tū Union are now calling for the minister to immediately drop her expedited plans.

ArtLung (Joe Crawford): Post-XOXO Ramble on Websites and Freedom: Everybody Comes To Ricks ~ 25 Aug 2024

I am writing this from IndieWeb Camp 2024 Portland. It’s the day after the 2024 XOXO Festival. It was the last XOXO.

In 2023, the boy billionaire Musk purchased Twitter, on credit. The enthusiasm for moving to Mastodon (started 2016) took off. Right now there’s a zeal to join Blue Sky. People are desperate for something better. People hate censorship, shadow-banning, “the algorithm.” Twitter is full of hate speech. The Trust & Safety team was gutted. Bad actors were reinstated in the name of free speech.

During XOXO, Andy Baio said “Every one of you should have a home on the web not controlled by a billionaire." Cabel Sasser recommended that we all “put up the dang portfolio." Molly White asked us to think back to “when was the first time you thought the web was magic?" She cited her young-kid self writing on her Neopets “user lookup page” as the moment when she realized the world wide web wasn’t just “a book she could read” but also a “canvas she could paint on.” That young kid kept painting. In May she shared We can have a different web

via Manton

CBC: Trudeau says Canada will slap big tariffs on Chinese EVs

100% surtax to be levied on all Chinese-made EVs, effective Oct. 1.

Volpe addressed the climate concerns saying Chinese-made EVs — built in factories largely powered by coal-fired power plants — are not as green as those made elsewhere.

Because Canada is such a beacon to the world on green manufacturing!

Last Updated: 26.Aug.2024 12:30 EDT

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