🔗 Articles: Sunday 18.Aug.2024

Guardian: Is the hydrogen vehicle dream over? Australian car buyers are making their choice clear

Experts worry hydrogen cars will delay electrification of transport – but only five were sold in Australia in the last quarter, while EVs sell steadily.

There is a role for hydrogen, but probably not in consumer automobiles.

CleanTechnica: Those Denying Climate Crisis Ignore that Moderate Climate Migration Is Freaking Them Out

It’s the #1 issue for many Americans — stopping immigration from Latin America. However, as Mike Barnard points out, a lot of this immigration is the result of climate disruption where the immigrants are coming from (including the societal problems that come from climate disruption), but many of those same people don’t believe in the findings of thousands of climate scientists and don’t see that climate disruption is going to continue growing the number of people escaping horrible situations and trying to find refuge in the United States.

In actuality, one of the best ways to combat high levels of immigration from Latin America (if that’s what you want) would be to make countries south of the US safer, more climate resilient, and more economically stable. However, that doesn’t fit into simplistic logic that is much easier to understand (even if wrongly) and support. “Why can’t we just build a massive wall on our southern border? Doesn’t that solve our problem?”

NewsNation: Pesticides cannot be removed by washing fruit: Study

According to a new study, merely washing fruit is not sufficient to remove residual pesticides and toxic chemicals.

“Cleaning operations cannot wholly remove pesticides,” the study published this month in American Chemical Society’s journal Nano Letters said.

The research revealed that pesticides penetrated the apple peel and pulp layers, thus outlining that washing is inadequate.

Although, once the peel and initial pulp layer were removed; pesticides decreased significantly.

Last Updated: 18.Aug.2024 19:23 EDT

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