🔗 Articles: Sunday 28.Jul.2024

What’s in Your Wallet? 💳

TechCrunch: Ghostery’s CEO says regulation won’t save us from ad trackers

I want to talk about both of those categories, Big Tech and regulation. You mentioned that with GDPR, there was a fork where there’s a little bit of a decrease in tracking, and then it went up again. Is that because companies realized they can just make people say yes and consent to tracking?

What happened is that in the U.S., it continued to grow, and in Europe, it went down massively. But then the companies started to get these consent layers done. And as they figured it out, the tracking went back up. Is there more tracking in the U.S. than there is in Europe? For sure.

So it had an impact, but it didn’t necessarily change the trajectory?

It had an impact, but it’s not sufficient. Because these constant layers are basically meant to trick you in saying yes. And then once you say yes, they never ask again, whereas if you say no, they keep asking.

NYT: Gunman at Trump Rally Often One Step Ahead of Secret Service

Text messages, obtained exclusively by The Times, indicate that some law enforcement officers were aware of Thomas Crooks earlier than previously known. And he was aware of them.

Slowly they are piecing the day together.

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Last Updated: 28.Jul.2024 17:33 EDT

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