🔗 Articles: Wednesday 24.Jul.2024

The Best Part of Waking Up is Folgers in Your Cup ☕️

Reuters: New Zealand inquiry finds 200,000 children and vulnerable adults abused in care

After Luxon spoke, likening the abuse against children at one of the state care facilities, Lake Alice, to torture, many stood and sang an Indigenous Maori song about love and unity.

The report by Royal Commission of Inquiry spoke to over 2,300 survivors of abuse in New Zealand, which has a population of 5.3 million. The inquiry detailed a litany of abuses in state and faith-based care, including rape, sterilisation and electric shocks, which peaked in the 1970s.

Those from the Indigenous Maori community were especially vulnerable to abuse, the report found, as well as those with mental or physical disabilities.

Civil and faith leaders fought to cover up abuse by moving abusers to other locations and denying culpability, with many victims dying before seeing justice, the report added.

Too similar to Canada!

iChris: Faraway, So Micro

I saw a tiktok where the person referenced an Epstein related person as a “PDF file”, presumably to get around the algorithm punishing them if they said pedophile and now I just want to think of it as that: he’s a PDF file. 😂

Guardian: My family and other Nazis

My father did terrible things during the second world war, and my other relatives were equally unrepentant. But it wasn’t until I was in my late 50s that I started to confront this dark past.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” — Edmund Burke (attributed)

Guardian: Oregon wildfire creates its own weather as it becomes largest active blaze in US

“That can happen when a fire becomes plume-dominated,” Parker said. “It’s like a thunderstorm on top of the fire, generated by the heat of the fire.”

The pyrocumulus cloud allows the smoke and ash from the fire to travel much higher in the air than it would typically go, he said. If there is enough moisture in the air above the fire, the pyrocumulus cloud can also generate rain and lightning, potentially causing new fire starts in the region.

Last Updated: 24.Jul.2024 14:39 EDT

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